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Swan Bottle Design
  • Year: 2005
  • Client: Evergreengardencare

Fast Action Roundup Weed killer is one of the core brands in Evergreengardencare’s portfolio. Newly introduced in 2004-2005 is this patented spray bottle.

Code-named “Swan” because of its unique design, it is a complete transformation compared to existing spray bottles. It offers answers to ergonomic and design shortcomings that exist in traditional bottles.

But it wasn’t just ergonomics that mattered for this bottle. Label space, shelf impact, quality perception and eco-friendliness were other important design drivers. An emptied bottle holds less than half a percent of residual product, and its trigger contains just one material, both significant improvements that make this bottle an innovative product.

Winner of the prize “Produit de l’année” in France.

Swan in use